I am a really bad sewer. I have only just started to learn and even the basics are beyond me. So don't look too closely at this photo, I beg you.
I made two tag toys for Paddy. He is addicted to putting things in his mouth and will always find the tag on anything that is laying around. I got the inspiration for this from here.
I put a long ribbon on them with a safety pin so I can pin them to Paddy's shirts. He is still not so good at hanging onto things so all the toys he wants to put in his mouth are forever ending up on the floor. I don't mind at home but we are off to a music festival this weekend and I thought that dirt mixed with beer on his toys was not the best thing for him to be putting in his mouth.
Next time I will try and make them with the plastic inside. It's a great sound and I have been keeping my scrunchy food wrappers aside especially for this toy.
I just chickened out this time.
Tag toys are a great idea. For some reason little ones just can't get enough of them. I remember for a while there Entropy Boy was much less interested in the plush turtle that I lovingly bought him than the tag on its bum :-)
I think yours turned out beautifully.
What a great idea you inspired me to make my own and I must say it was fun and rewarding!Thanks for the great idea and I can't wait to see what else you come up with :)
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