Expressing Advice

We are going to a wedding this Saturday and Paddy is staying with a friend for our time at the reception. My friend, Sal, was also my midwife so if I was going to leave Paddy with anyone for the first time, she is definitely the best candidate.

There is still a level of anxiety about leaving him though. And I have pinpointed this anxiety down to the feeding factor. That's why I need to express so I can make sure if he is hungry there will be enough milk there for him when I'm not there.
I have a flash breast pump so that base is covered. The problem is I don't know too much about expressing. When is the best time to do it? Do I express from both breasts at the one time?
I considered looking this up on google but decided you are all way better qualified than the google world. If you have had an experience with expressing please let me know....
Another mission in preparation for the wedding - take my white winter legs out of hibernation and introduce them to the sun. And maybe a shave wouldn't go astray too.
If I am going to pull off the dress I have in mind this is very necessary. Only shorts for me for the rest of the week.


Emma said...

yes, leaving your little one for the first time can be really hard, especially when you are breastfeeding. I still get a little anxious when I leave my girl, and she's 15 months!

I don't use my pump very often....but the times I have I found that I got the most milk in the morning or late at night (if you aren't doing a late feed) and by using both sides.

Good luck for Saturday x

Steph said...

I agree with Emma. After the morning feed or late at night seems to do the trick. If you can pop it on straight after the morning feed after it will flow easier. Can take a while...not as efficient as you little human "breast pump". Hope you have a whale of a time at the wedding :)

LJ said...

I think morning as well. I never used a pump though, I was able to express heaps by hand. I know the anxiousness you feel. I was so nevrous leaving Miss T for the first time. With Miss E, it was easier. Good luck and have a ball.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Expressing Advice

We are going to a wedding this Saturday and Paddy is staying with a friend for our time at the reception. My friend, Sal, was also my midwife so if I was going to leave Paddy with anyone for the first time, she is definitely the best candidate.

There is still a level of anxiety about leaving him though. And I have pinpointed this anxiety down to the feeding factor. That's why I need to express so I can make sure if he is hungry there will be enough milk there for him when I'm not there.
I have a flash breast pump so that base is covered. The problem is I don't know too much about expressing. When is the best time to do it? Do I express from both breasts at the one time?
I considered looking this up on google but decided you are all way better qualified than the google world. If you have had an experience with expressing please let me know....
Another mission in preparation for the wedding - take my white winter legs out of hibernation and introduce them to the sun. And maybe a shave wouldn't go astray too.
If I am going to pull off the dress I have in mind this is very necessary. Only shorts for me for the rest of the week.


Emma said...

yes, leaving your little one for the first time can be really hard, especially when you are breastfeeding. I still get a little anxious when I leave my girl, and she's 15 months!

I don't use my pump very often....but the times I have I found that I got the most milk in the morning or late at night (if you aren't doing a late feed) and by using both sides.

Good luck for Saturday x

Steph said...

I agree with Emma. After the morning feed or late at night seems to do the trick. If you can pop it on straight after the morning feed after it will flow easier. Can take a while...not as efficient as you little human "breast pump". Hope you have a whale of a time at the wedding :)

LJ said...

I think morning as well. I never used a pump though, I was able to express heaps by hand. I know the anxiousness you feel. I was so nevrous leaving Miss T for the first time. With Miss E, it was easier. Good luck and have a ball.