We are full of celebrations at our house - we are on Day 4 of Paddy not feeding at night. For the last four nights the latest I have fed him is 9pm and then he doesn't feed again until 5am. He wakes twice every night and we just give him his dummy and he goes back to sleep. It is a huge step in our house. Up until now I have been feeding him twice during the night.
When he was born I read The Contented Little Baby Book and implemented the routine that she recommended. The main aim of this routine is to get the baby used to the difference between day and night. So during the day we would feed and then be awake for a period of time before we go down to sleep. This was hard to do with a newborn who wanted to sleep all the time - we tried all the tricks in the book including wiping his face with a wet washer! Then when we settled at night we had a bath and then fed with dimmed lights and the night feeding was always done with no talking and no lights.
As Paddy and I have gotten used to each other we have worked out a routine that works for us but isn't exactly by routines in the book. We have been doing this for the past 4 weeks or so. And now at 10 weeks we are one step closer to sleeping completely through the night.
I am dreaming of all things that may be possible if I got a block of sleep longer than 3 hours. Imagine if I could sleep for 8 hours straight - the possibilities are endless!
That is such great news! It is amazing when you actually get a nights sleep. You feel like a new woman! It will happen...just keep placing importance on the difference between night and day. You will get there! yay!
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