Mothers Groups vs. Playgroups

In the 10 short weeks of Paddy's life I have had the experience of both a Mothers Group and a Playgroup.

I attended a Mothers Group where you took your child into a different room where carers minded them (I got to keep Paddy with me because he was so small). There was food and tea and candles burning in the mothers room. The focus was on the mothers - mothers contributed by sharing their stories about what is going on with them.
I then attended a small playgroup in the town closest to us. There were about 6 mothers there with their children and it was a great facility with heaps of activities for the kids. The focus here was on playing with your babies.

Being a new Mum I feel so positive about this new phase in my life. When I attended the Mothers Group I left feeling so negative about having a baby - how having a baby changes me not for the better. At the playgroup the atmosphere was so much more positive. We were engaged with our children and everyone there, though I am sure some people get to the end of their rope on lots of days, was in a positive frame of mind. These people weren't looking for time apart from their children, they gained strength and positivity from interacting with their babies.
I couldn't believe that two groups of mothers who are in the same stages of life could be so different in their attitudes.

So I have decided that I need to leave the negative Mothers Group behind and join in with the positive Playgroup. Eventhough Paddy is too small to play in the sandpit or swing on the swings he is still exposed to an atmosphere that values his contribution and engages with him.


LJ said...

I am really happy for you that you found a great play group. I too attented both mothers group and play group...and felt the same as you. I adore my playgroup. The girls in it have become my best friends, and our kids are just as close. It is so important to have that support of other mums, especially when you are a first time mum! Good luck, I hope your playgroup journey remains as positive!!!!

Unknown said...

Yes, it's amazing how many different approaches to mothering there are out there. I am glad you found a group you feel you can potentially connect to. Playgroups are lots of fun and such a nice way to get out of the house and socialize- for both of you. xo m.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Mothers Groups vs. Playgroups

In the 10 short weeks of Paddy's life I have had the experience of both a Mothers Group and a Playgroup.

I attended a Mothers Group where you took your child into a different room where carers minded them (I got to keep Paddy with me because he was so small). There was food and tea and candles burning in the mothers room. The focus was on the mothers - mothers contributed by sharing their stories about what is going on with them.
I then attended a small playgroup in the town closest to us. There were about 6 mothers there with their children and it was a great facility with heaps of activities for the kids. The focus here was on playing with your babies.

Being a new Mum I feel so positive about this new phase in my life. When I attended the Mothers Group I left feeling so negative about having a baby - how having a baby changes me not for the better. At the playgroup the atmosphere was so much more positive. We were engaged with our children and everyone there, though I am sure some people get to the end of their rope on lots of days, was in a positive frame of mind. These people weren't looking for time apart from their children, they gained strength and positivity from interacting with their babies.
I couldn't believe that two groups of mothers who are in the same stages of life could be so different in their attitudes.

So I have decided that I need to leave the negative Mothers Group behind and join in with the positive Playgroup. Eventhough Paddy is too small to play in the sandpit or swing on the swings he is still exposed to an atmosphere that values his contribution and engages with him.


LJ said...

I am really happy for you that you found a great play group. I too attented both mothers group and play group...and felt the same as you. I adore my playgroup. The girls in it have become my best friends, and our kids are just as close. It is so important to have that support of other mums, especially when you are a first time mum! Good luck, I hope your playgroup journey remains as positive!!!!

Unknown said...

Yes, it's amazing how many different approaches to mothering there are out there. I am glad you found a group you feel you can potentially connect to. Playgroups are lots of fun and such a nice way to get out of the house and socialize- for both of you. xo m.