Back to Normal

Boobs no longer the size of boulders: Check!

No more leaking of small milk lakes from both breasts: Check!

A very content, happy little man who sleeps for stretches longer than 2 hours: Check!

Dealt with my feelings of guilt at not feeding anymore: Check!

Feeling slightly liberated and a bit more freedom in having my body back to myself: Check!

I think we are on the road back to normal....whatever that is.

Thanks for the kind words - they really did help xoxo


Zoe said...

Glad it's all worked out :D

Hel said...

That was my favourite. Having my boobs back. Then all of a sudden Dal thought he was in charge of them. ;) I'm not sure I'll ever have complete ownership of them.

p.s. Due in the middle of October. I'm so happy the weening is behind you! xox.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Back to Normal

Boobs no longer the size of boulders: Check!

No more leaking of small milk lakes from both breasts: Check!

A very content, happy little man who sleeps for stretches longer than 2 hours: Check!

Dealt with my feelings of guilt at not feeding anymore: Check!

Feeling slightly liberated and a bit more freedom in having my body back to myself: Check!

I think we are on the road back to normal....whatever that is.

Thanks for the kind words - they really did help xoxo


Zoe said...

Glad it's all worked out :D

Hel said...

That was my favourite. Having my boobs back. Then all of a sudden Dal thought he was in charge of them. ;) I'm not sure I'll ever have complete ownership of them.

p.s. Due in the middle of October. I'm so happy the weening is behind you! xox.