I would blog more.
I would have more time to craft and potter around my house so I had something to blog about.
I would clean up the dinner dishes every night.
I would wash more so my husband wouldn't have to wear socks two days in a row.
I would have made all handmade gifts for Christmas instead of buying plastic.
I would only eat homemade bread and would feel the joy of kneading our daily loaf every morning.
I would have organised a camping trip for our Christmas holidays instead of now having to beg and plead with hotel owners to let us stay just one night.
I would be able to keep my eyes open long enough to read more than two pages of my book in bed at night.
I would never forget to put deoderant on during the hottest day of the year.
Maybe my world isn't perfect but I am sitting here surrounded by dirty dishes and piles of laundry, and the smelliest armpits in living history and I am still smiling.
It helps to be able to laugh at yourself....

Hi Maree Rose, thanks so much for dropping by my blog. I read that comment out to my Paddy and he was stoked to hear of another little Paddy running around in the world :) Just so you know, it must be a good name, as my Paddy turned out pretty great!
Love your to-do list, it has so many things on there that I succeeded in doing last year, and plan to do this year. Great idea to keep it up for all to see- stay accountable! Hehe.
Look forward to hearing more from you :)
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