The light is gone!

What a day!!!
It started when I woke up and threw up water 3 times in about half and hour. I kept down some toast, had a sleep then went for a shower when I woke up and passed out in the shower. After freaking out for an hour or so I slept for 4 hours. And now I am ready for bed again.
After speaking to my Mum we might have worked out that I am just not eating enough. Meat makes me feel so sick so I have only been eating fruit and veges and breads. I don't think I am getting enough protein.
I am eating all the time - small meals every hour or so - but I don't think I am eating anything substantial enough and this is why I am super super super tired.
What do you guys think?


Marian Dean said...

Definitely not enough protein! That is essential. Look into other means of protein, fish, eggs, cheese, soya lentils etc.
Sorry to hear you are still experiencing sickness. Do what your Mama says!

Love Granny

Inoureyes said...

The light is still about, just behind a cloud. Why don't you see someone about your diet? I got to see a dietitian when i was having Ellie through Mater public. Might give you a bit of a mental break to have someone help look after you.
Strap yourself in next time you shower woman, could have caused you and bubs some serious injury

Pomona said...

You must look after yourself - perhaps your midwife could give you some advice - it's important to get enough of the right sort of food, and enough rest, but if you are fainting it could be low blood pressure - drink plenty, some salt, too - and consult your doctor/midwife.

Pomona x

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The light is gone!

What a day!!!
It started when I woke up and threw up water 3 times in about half and hour. I kept down some toast, had a sleep then went for a shower when I woke up and passed out in the shower. After freaking out for an hour or so I slept for 4 hours. And now I am ready for bed again.
After speaking to my Mum we might have worked out that I am just not eating enough. Meat makes me feel so sick so I have only been eating fruit and veges and breads. I don't think I am getting enough protein.
I am eating all the time - small meals every hour or so - but I don't think I am eating anything substantial enough and this is why I am super super super tired.
What do you guys think?


Marian Dean said...

Definitely not enough protein! That is essential. Look into other means of protein, fish, eggs, cheese, soya lentils etc.
Sorry to hear you are still experiencing sickness. Do what your Mama says!

Love Granny

Inoureyes said...

The light is still about, just behind a cloud. Why don't you see someone about your diet? I got to see a dietitian when i was having Ellie through Mater public. Might give you a bit of a mental break to have someone help look after you.
Strap yourself in next time you shower woman, could have caused you and bubs some serious injury

Pomona said...

You must look after yourself - perhaps your midwife could give you some advice - it's important to get enough of the right sort of food, and enough rest, but if you are fainting it could be low blood pressure - drink plenty, some salt, too - and consult your doctor/midwife.

Pomona x