I took myself out for breakfast...

to a little cafe in Dicky Beach.

I discovered Peach cider from Sweeden

and ordered something way too big for me to handle.

So I spent the rest of the afternoon in bed and close to the toilet.

But the joy of going out for breakfast makes it all worthwhile....


Marian Dean said...

I wish it was a custom over here, to go out for breakfast. There are what we call 'workmen's caffs' which serve greasy fry ups, not the sort of place a lady such as I would frequent! LOL

Love Granny

Inoureyes said...

Oh I love that Cafe. How lucky you are to be close to my fav beaches. We will be up there on Monday soaking up the sun. Its good you made the effort, i dont believe you ate everything that was on the plate!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

I took myself out for breakfast...

to a little cafe in Dicky Beach.

I discovered Peach cider from Sweeden

and ordered something way too big for me to handle.

So I spent the rest of the afternoon in bed and close to the toilet.

But the joy of going out for breakfast makes it all worthwhile....


Marian Dean said...

I wish it was a custom over here, to go out for breakfast. There are what we call 'workmen's caffs' which serve greasy fry ups, not the sort of place a lady such as I would frequent! LOL

Love Granny

Inoureyes said...

Oh I love that Cafe. How lucky you are to be close to my fav beaches. We will be up there on Monday soaking up the sun. Its good you made the effort, i dont believe you ate everything that was on the plate!