The great thing about this recipe was that I poached or boiled (I'm not really sure what I did..) the pork. I had to slice it really thinly and I cooked everything else and put the pork in last. The recipe called for the pork to only be in there for 4 mins but that scared me so I left it in there for about 10 mins and paid the price - the pork was tough. I have never cooked any meat that way before and it was really interesting how little time it took to cook. Or maybe it is just pork.... I will have to experiment with other meats.
So one night down, six to go....
I did my grocery shopping yesterday and all I spent at Woolworths was $23. I hate the big grocery chains - buying anything at Woolworths makes me cringe. I haven't gotten into buying online yet which I think would completely cut out the need to go there for anything. Must do that!
For my groceries for this week I went to the Organic Supermarket and got as much as I could. Then I went to a little independent fruit and vege shop which has a great deli and a few little aisles of groceries. Then I went to Doug our favourite butcher. The leftovers, like wasabi and ricotta, I had to go to Woolies for. I was so happy that I wasn't wheeling around a big trolley, giving hundreds of dollars to a greedy grocery chain. Instead my grocery money went to local businesses.
So another day ahead and another meal to prepare from my menu list tonight. What a lucky husband I have...!
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